
For me, photography is a way to engage people and pull them into the scenery,
to inspire others to travel more.
Of course the views and stories are important as well.
I'm not the kind of guy you'll find behind a desk or at a 'nine to five' job.

Further more I’m a 21 year old self taught photographer based in Belgium.
I'm mainly focused on landscape photography, planning and shooting a landscape is what I like doing most.

My Story


Our family vacations often brought us into the mountains. I really liked the mountains
and nature in general because I felt like I was freed from all the chaos and stress.
There were no people running around, cars honking and so on.
Just an amazing untouched landscape in front of our eyes.
Although my passion for photography came way later my interest in landscapes and nature
developed in that period.

I was first introduced to photography back in 2015 when I used my mom’s camera for the first time.
When I was in Italy I took some quick snapshots of a hut but no more than that.
The photo turned out great but I never thought about buying my own camera, software, filters,...
A solid year later I started studying Multimedia where we were able to use a Canon 60d for our assignments. I became excited, saved some money and bought my own camera and that's where the magic happened.

I bought a 70d and started experimenting immediately. Nothing great came out of it but at the time I was happy with the results. And that's what matters right? Things developed slowly until our family vacation to the Dolomites in 2017.
The dolomites really changed my life in a way and I’m still going back every year.

In 2018 I did a lot of small road trips with a friend of mine to grow my portfolio and in May 2018 we contacted a bunch of companies for ‘the Alpine Road Trip’. The idea was pretty simple: We would make content for them and they would fund part of the trip. We sent about 200 emails and only 3 of them returned. One of those 3 companies is called ‘Gemini’, it’s a brand based in Belgium that produces premium stonewear for men.
And that brings us to today, I started working at the company back in August 2018. I mainly capture content on the road and I also do their artwork/design. I’m really grateful for the lifestyle I get to live.
All their photos, flyers and so on are made by me. Check out their website for a more in-depth view:

Want to work together? Please send me an email: